League of Oregon Cities

Charlie Conrad
This table contains data from the 2016 City Property Tax Report--Appendix A. Data is from the Department of Revenue Property Tax Statistics Supplemental Report. An empty cell means missing information. 13 cities do not have a permanent property tax rate. *Denotes rates for urban renewal in "Other" category. ** Portland is the only city with GAP bond--$2.6671/thousand which is not in the table, but included in the "Total City Rate" column. ***In some instances cities were contacted to verify data.
City Financial Data
permanent rate, property tax rate, county tax rate, school tax rate, local option levy rate, bond rate, property tax levied permanent rate, per capita property tax levied permanent rate
Current value: 0 out of 5
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Small City Region
Total Rate
FY2014-15 Per Capita Property Tax Levied--Permanent Rate

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